Therapeutic and organic honey type 1 – wax and nectar – 750 grams

2 970 000 $

This is a honey that we are sure is even better than the most famous Australian and New Zealand honey, and it is an organic honey with a completely different taste – and this is the opinion of one of our loyal customers…

This honey is rich in natural extracts and is produced completely organically and naturally with bee additives, without any heat treatment, with a unique taste and sucrose below 1%.
After 3 to 4 months of harvest, this type of honey turns into honey, which is completely transformed into liquid nectar with the heat of the fingers or the mouth, and the difference between making honey and sugaring is that honey Even after turning into liquid honey, you can feel the sugar particles on the tips of your fingers or teeth


This type of honey has been produced due to displacement in 4 geographical regions in our country, Iran, and by collecting nectar from about 2000 types of flowers and plants. We have a new experience for you. You only need to drink it once to be our permanent customer. If you drink this type of honey continuously for several weeks, at least your meal will be reduced by one time.
This honey is obtained from flowers and plants of 4 regions of Iran (by moving in 4 regions of Iran at a high cost), without the intervention of chemical drugs, and road and industrial pollution, and in 2021 and 2022 due to drought, 2 to 3 from each hive A kilo of completely natural and organic honey has been harvested. This honey has very high therapeutic properties by improving the function of body cells.
Effects of honey therapy

Production of fresh and healthy cells
Treatment of swollen joints
Decreased blood sugar
Storage and distribution of required energy
Muscle building and normalization of the body
Relaxing and rejuvenating
Improve the functioning of the digestive system


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